Critical Incident Response Team – K9

Critical Incident Response Team – K9

Critical Incident Stress has been known to plague Law Enforcement professionals, for some time.  But recent studies and analysis have shown this challenge is greater today than ever.  In fact, Critical Incident Stress affects not only those Law Enforcement personnel directly involved with the event, but their families and colleagues.  Also suffering can be the victims and other potential witnesses.  One source of relief has been found in using “therapy dogs”.

Therapy animals add the positive benefits of touch to counseling. Touch has been understandably removed from therapy, especially with counseling youth, but at a cost. Sometimes it’s petting an animal itself or their ability to teach us in the present moment what we find too difficult to learn on our own. But it’s also the sheer presence of an animal. Their acceptance and admirable ability to express themselves without holding anything back makes animal-assisted therapy so effective. Therapy animals also provide a purely nonjudgmental space for individuals to work out their problems. In addition to lowering blood pressure and heart rate, it is a powerful healing mechanism.  Sometimes it’s petting an animal itself.  Sometimes it’s the K9’s ability to bring oneself into the present moment, which may be too difficult without the k9’s unqualified acceptance.

Early intervention, using K9s, is essential.  It is critical that K9s supporting departmental personnel be available on-scene whether they are used in the field, office, court, or during investigations, while therapy dogs are normally used indoors or in small groups of people in controlled settings.  CIRT (Critical Incident Response Team) K9s are valued members of the Peer Support Unit for the department.  They are available 24/7/365 to respond to the department’s needs. That includes assisting Investigators.  Our client departments tell us that subjects are much more likely to “open up” when interacting with our CIRT K9s.  Interviewing children presents even greater difficulty.  CIRT K9s help clinicians/investigators go deeper into a child’s consciousness, because the child is much more at ease and willing to reveal much more when interacting with a CIRT K9.  Per one Florida department, child interviews have resulted in nearly a two-fold increase of improved information pertinent to the case, when having a CIRT K9 working the interview!

And don’t forget the Community Relations opportunity. Whether attending “Law Enforcement Day” at local schools or participating in community events, a CIRT K9 easily enhances the relationship between the department and the citizens served.


Follow each link below to learn more about acquiring, training or certifying a Critical Incident Response Team K9!


Info on Acquiring a Critical Incident K9



Info on Certifying a CIRT K9



Info on Testing Pre-requisites

“Live” Update of CIRT K9 National Conference

IT'S HAPPENING!  This year's CIRT K9 National Conference is entering Day 3 and it's been a wonderful learning experience.  Our...

Pre-requisites for Attending an AERIE CIRT K9 Testing Event

Core Pre-requisites for all AERIE CIRT K9 Certification Exams: Canine must be a minimum of 12 months of age and...


  K9 HEALTH CIRT k9s should be maintained at optimum weight and kept on a high quality grain free, low...